Praise & Worship

Saturday, October 25, 2008

and so, a new blog starts off -here-

-as discussed on cell group meeting 25 oct 2008-
a habit taught by Lasallian Leadership Training Camp
'Seek first to understand then be understood'
how about rephrasing it into
'Love God first before expecting him to love you more'
of course by common sense
God loves you always
but wouldn't it be nicer if you went all out to love Him?
think of it this way like, someone is doing many things for you
if you were an ordinary person, you would want to repay him/her right?
so in this case, God is constantly showering you with love
its only right to love Him, just as you would to your parents
your father in Heaven is watching over you
your father on Earth should be loved by you as well
so if you haven't been showing concern to your parents
maybe it is time to start now
for both your father in Heaven and Earth created you

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