Praise & Worship

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Humility, the best medicine for respect

speaks for itself

just a bit on today's personal life
make a guess on how much do the following item cost :
Student meal
-Reg Pepsi ->Large mountain dew
-Reg Whipped Potato -> Cheese fries
-Zinger burger

according to the student meal, they should be $4.50
and after all the upsizing and stuff
I think the cost should be approximately $6.70?
but the cashier didn't notice and charged me $5.50
oh well I guess it was worth

Sometimes I wonder
why do God want me to bring my friends to church first
instead of my family members?
maybe I shouldn't question so much and do God's will for me
but I am just afraid that, it will be too late
before the devil bring my parents to hell with him

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